tiistai 15. maaliskuuta 2011

0.1.8 is out!

I managed to fix all the bugs I had found while playing, so it's time to upload the new version. Instead of jumping to 0.2.0 I decided to go with 0.1.8 version number, as the main focus of this release was fixing the current bugs, in contrary of what I had planned earlier. Some of the bugs were just too serious to leave any longer, so it's better to start from clean table than buggy version.

All the bugs I discovered have been fixed, though the vampire problem is still uncertain. I think I got it fixed, but after generating three new world I was able to get living vampire civilization, and it would take years of game time to reach the point where vampires get aggressive. So, instead of pushing the release any further I decided to trust that the problem got fixed.

Even though 0.1.8 was mostly bug fixing I did add few things to the mod. Three new creatures, vargouille, mammoth and pegasus, gnoll entity and possibility to train mace and hammer skills in Training dummy were included.

Of the creatures mammoth, pegasus and gnoll should be very easy to recognize: Mammoth are elephant like creatures, huge and hairy. Pegasus is flying creature resembling of horse, and very valuable. Gnolls are humanoids with dog head. In DFA gnolls are quite primitive, so it requires a bit of luck to get them to survive the world generation. Vargouilles are familiar to those who play D&D, as those are in short heads with wings. Evil creatures, which can be found from marshes and swamps. They can also poison any creature with their bite, causing pain and paralyze.

The 0.2.0 version will contain my attempt to make the world more versatile by increasing the number of creatures and fauna. I also try to spread the diversity as evenly as possible, so I try to avoid rations such as twenty underground creatures and two aboveground creatures. New entities could be added, though I have not decided anything specific regarding them yet. If I can think of good entity fitting to Dwarf Fortress, it gets added. But I'm not going to create new entities just for the sake of it.

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